Camera: QHY9M w/QHY QHYCFW2-M 7x36mm Filter Wheel
Filters: QHY LRGB, Ha, OIII, SII
Scope: AT8RC (8" Ritchey–Chrétien) w/AP Focal Reducer
Focuser: Optec TCF-Si 2"
Flat Field: Home made Robotic LED Illuminated Flat Field and Dust Cap
Guiding: QHY5, Lunt Engineering 70mm ED (420mm @ f6)
- Losmandy G-11 with Sidereal Technology Servo Control GOTO System
- Martin Farmer Worm Block on RA Axis
- Optec Keller EZ-Saddle
- Joseph Kane 24" Custom Dovetail
- Losmandy DWS
- Custom Yellow AstroSky Pier (James Grigar)
Other & Misc:
- Radio Shack 19A Regulated Power Supply
- Kensington 120W Power Supply (to provide 19V to Sitech Controller)
- 8 Way USB Relay Block
- Roll-A-Way "Outhouse" Observatory Shelter